Come to be inspired and have fun tagging along with me on my crafting journey as I do my creative activities .....Cardmaking, Scrapping, Faithbooking ... by Kari

Saturday, June 16, 2012

ILS DT June Blog Hop Day 1


Thank you for joining us on the first day of our June Design Team Blog Hop! This blog hops theme is using Tsunami Rose Designs Printables from Daisy's shop.

Please join us today and tomorrow as we both show case the sketch-of-the-day and one of Daisy's wonderful creations.

Tsunami Rose Designs has created over 25 exclusive printable scrapbook papers for Scrapbook Stamp Society! They are 8.5 in. by 11 in. and can be purchased here. Please see the video for all of the designs and check back as she creates more!

Daisy is offering 2 grand prizes to 2 random commenters of any of the participating blogs!

Win $10 to spend on Tsunami Rose Designs Printable scrapbook paper @ Scrapbook Stamp


Win $10 to spend on Tsunami Rose Designs Printable Scrapbook paper and Ephemera @ her Zibbet Shop PLUS a copy of June 2012 Sketches!!


Sketch for the 16th

I love this sketch was another challenge but I love thinking out of the box and I used several printed papers out of my stash and the poster card print is another printable from Daisy's shop as well as the lace I used on it too, I use cardstock brown and blue and then the white for the sentiment which was from one of my dollar stamps set...and then the bling was a RAK from a friend on FB bless her heart! :) Well I hope you love the card it was several tries before I liked this it is your turn to do one! have fun! :)

Please join us tomorrow as well!

The Blog Line up List:

  1. Daisy-
  2. Tanya Traywick-
  3. Kari Sanchez-
  4. Hannah Perry -
  5. Veronica Meras-
  6. Sam Burdett
  7. Tina Teasdale
  8. Kimberly Pate ~


Stephenie said...

Beautiful card!! Love the layers and colors! TFS!!

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I love your comments and let me know what you think! :) hugs!

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