Faith Verse Christmas Blog Hop - November 30, 2011
Hello Friends!
Today we are here to give God the glory for what is the real reason of the season with our favorite verse for Christmas that means so much to us...please read and enjoy the creations these wonderful ladies did on their blog. Now lets get this party started!
I am the start of this wonderful hop we are to show you the wonderful testimonies and creations today. :)
We have a prize to give away and it is 3 of Jen's Digi Stamps so you must comment on every blog along the way...easy peasy! :)
My favorite chapter for Christmas is Luke Chapter 1. I always had one of my children read the story. It is important they know the legacy of heritage and history and that it begins with Jesus. I am so glad that I have him as Lord and Savior of my life. My verse I am using today is: Luke 1:31 "You will be with child and give birth to a SON; and you are to give him the name JESUS." I find this interesting that it was very explicit directions that the angel Gabriel gave to Mary...the name Jesus is very significant, it is a Greek form of the Hebrew name, Joshua (also my son's name) was a common name meaning "the Lord saves". Just as Joshua lead the people to the promise land Jesus lead the people to eternal life. I love this part of our heritage and history and how much HOPE this gives us all. May you all be blessed this Christmas season and in the New Year! God bless and love to you all.
I made a card with one of my favorite stamps that I have had forever that I brought from my local LSS and isn't it awesome! :)
Thanks for stopping by and hope you have been inspired and remember the important reason for the season! :)
Your next stop on our hop is: Lynne -http://
Here is the line up just in case you get lost . . . have fun hopping! :)
Kari -
Lynne -
Susan -
Shawnee -
April -
Carolyn -
Thanks again for stopping by and don't forget the bloggy love! :)
Beautiful Creation, Kari! Great Verse!! Glad to be in this hop with you!
Many Blessings,
Your card is beautiful, I have not masterd embossing yet:( I have made a couple attempts. Like they say if at first you don't succceed....
mexicopetshop at hotmail dot com
Your card is very beautiful.... you are so right... He is the reason for the season...:) lindaplusthree at yahoo dot com
WowZers what a fabulous stunning card. Beautiful thank-you for sharig myfriend.
That's a gorgeous card.
This is absolutely beautiful and stunning!!!!! Thank you for organizing a phenomenal hop!!! Hugs and love,
You are so precious!! Your project 'shines' His love so brightly!!! Hallelujah!!! all glory and praise unto the Lord!! be blessed
Beyond Measure
Beautiful project, Kari. Thank you for hosting this wonderful hop.
LOVE this card Kari!!
Beautiful card! Love the embossing & the really "shines"!
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